Integrating Pagecall with Moodle

  • Updated

What you’ll get from this document

  • How to integrate Moodle with Pagecall via LTI integration

Use it this way

How to integrate Moodle with Pagecall

  • Click button in the top right to enter the workspace settings page.
  • Click the 'LTI Settings' tab.CN-LI-1.png
  • You'll need to paste four pieces of information from the integration information on the page into Moodle. Go to the Moodle page you want to integrate with. CN-LI-2.png

Settings within a Moodle page

  • On the Moodle page, enter the 'Plugins' - 'Manage tools' item in the 'Site administration' menu.CN-LI-M1.png
  • Click 'Configure a tool manually'.CN-LI-M2.png
  • On the 'External tool configuration' page, fill in the following fields. The 'Integration information' in Pagecall's LTI Settings will be used here. Copy and paste the information as appropriate.CN-LI-M3.png
    1. Tool name : Pagecall
    2. Tool URL :
    3. LTI version : LTI 1.3
    4. Public keyset :
    5. Initial login URL :
    6. Redirection URI(s) :
    7. Share launcher's name with tool : Always
  • If you've entered all the information correctly, click the 'Save changes' button to save it.
  • After saving, you should see the Pagecall added as follows. Click button in the top right corner of the card.CN-LI-M4.png
  • You will see various information exposed. You'll need to put this information into your Pagecall's LTI Settings to complete the integration. Again, go to Settings within the Pagecall console.CN-LI-M5.png

Settings in Pagecall console

  • Back on the LTI Settings page, click the 'New LTI integration' button at the bottom.CN-LI-3.png
  • Fill in the service integration settings in the Pagecall with the information you found on the Moodle page.CN-LI-M5.pngCN-LI-4.png
    1. Service name : Moodle
    2. Authnication request URL : (Authentication request URL provided by Moodle)
    3. Public keyset URL : (Public keyset URL provided by Moodle)
    4. Issuer : (Platform ID provided by Moodle)
    5. Client ID : (Client ID provided by Moodle)
    6. Deployment ID : (Deployment ID provided by Moodle)
  • If you've entered all the information correctly, click the 'Add' button.
  • You'll see Moodle added to the list of integrations at the bottom.CN-LI-5.png
  • If all goes well, the integration is complete and you can add and use your Pagecall meeting room in Moodle.