Send praise stamps, praise points, praise badges, warning points, warning badges, and more.

  • Updated

What you’ll get from this document

  • How a host can send participants specific points or invoke interactive animations during a lecture [CA-DE-0405-W/I/F]

Try using it in these situations

  • When you're teaching a class and want to give students awards, such as praise points
  • When you're teaching a class and want to praise a student's behavior by invoking an animation, such as clapping or firecrackers
  • When you're teaching a class and you want to assign penalties for student behavior 
  • When you're teaching a class and you want to invoke an animation, such as a warning badge, to alert students to their behavior

Use it this way

Example of how to send praise points

  • A "Send points" button appears when you hover over a participant's video.CA-DE-0405-F.png


  • When a button is pressed, a predetermined animation and sound will play.CA-DE-0405-I.png

Customization: [Feature]

  • The feature is customizable for its name, design, animations played, sounds played, and more.