View a list of rooms, create, edit, and delete rooms

  • Updated

What you’ll get from this document

  • How to view the full list of rooms on Pagecall [CN-RM-0101-A/I]
  • How to check the number of meeting rooms in a live meeting [CN-RM-0102-I]
  • How to create a Pagecall meeting room [CN-RM-0103-F]
  • How to delete a Pagecall meeting room [CN-RM-0104-F]
  • How to title a Pagecall meeting room [CN-RM-0108-A/I]
  • How to specify a Pagecall meeting room template [CN-RM-0109-A/I]
  • How to specify a Pagecall meeting room type [CN-RM-0110-A/I]
  • How to see which rooms are in progress or waiting [CN-RM-0112-A/I]
  • How to determine how many users are connected to a Pagecall in real time [CN-US-0104-I]

Use it this way

What's the difference between a 'meeting room' and a 'meeting' in Pagecall?

  • Meeting Room
    • In Pagecall, a meeting room refers to a single space set up with the same name, same participants, and same room type.
    • Think of a meeting room like a 'second grade classroom' in school. A classroom is a room with the same teacher, the same students, and the same desks and chairs for a year or so.
    • Like this, meeting rooms help you set up a meeting environment once and use it over and over again.
  • Meeting
    • In Pagecall, a meeting is a single session (connection) in a specific room.
    • Think of the meeting as a 'June 23, 2023, 1st period English' class in a sophomore classroom.
    • A meeting is a one-time concept that happens in a meeting room.

💡 Tips for engineers

When integrated, meeting rooms are called 'Room' and participants are called 'Member'. However, you can't create a meeting directly, instead, access records (Sessions) are created when a specific member enters the room, and these access records are grouped by time according to the Pagecall policy to become a meeting.

Let's say a particular meeting room has the following access times for members.

  1. Host entered 13:00~13:40
  2. Guest entered 13:10~13:30
  3. Guest entered 13:35~14:20
  4. Host entered 13:45~15:10
  5. Guest entered 19:00~20:00
  6. Host entered 19:50~23:00

In this case, Pagecall will immediately group the previous accesses into a single meeting as soon as there's been more than an hour without any members in the room, so you'll see sessions 1~4 as Meeting 1 / sessions 5~6 as Meeting 2.


How to view the full list of Pagecall rooms, the number of live meetings, and the number of people in the room

  • Press the 'Room' tab at the top center of the page.
  • At the top of the meeting room list, you can see how many rooms are live and how many people are connected live.


How to create a Pagecall meeting room

  • Press the 'Create room' button in the center-right corner.


  • Choose a room title, template, and visibility type, then hit the 'Create' button.
    • Room title : Give the room a name so that it can be searched for correctly in the future.
      • It's usually useful to include the name of the host (instructor) and the names of the members who are joining.
    • Template : Read the descriptions and choose the form that works best for your class.
      • 2 ppl whiteboard room : Up to 2 participants, voice and whiteboard available
      • 6 ppl whiteboard room : Up to 6 participants, voice and whiteboard available
      • 2 ppl video&whiteboard room : Up to 2 participants, video and whiteboard available
      • 6 ppl video&whiteboard room : Up to 6 participants, video and whiteboard available
      • 4 ppl multi room : 1 host and 3 guests can access, video and whiteboard available, host and guests can communicate 1:1 individually (guests cannot communicate with each other)
    • Type : Choose the kinds of users who can access the meeting room.
      • Open to all : All users created through the API Key can enter.
      • Specified users only : Only specified users can enter.


    • Usage time limit : Set a time limit for access to the meeting room.
      • If more than one user joins, the time will run out, after which the room will be automatically closed for further use. The timer inside the room will show the remaining time.



How to edit Pagecall room information, end a room, or delete a room

  • Press the 'Room' tab at the top center of the page.
  • In the list of rooms, click the  button in the row of the room you want to modify, close, or delete.
